Monday, October 11, 2010

I lose for the competition.

And, I felt that why am I so useless. Why i can't did anything to let my parent feel proud of me ? I totally feel disappointed on myself. I live for 20 years but I din't did any things to maked my parent feel proud of me. Except for the photography competition but i just get 3rd runner up. I know there still have a lot of changes for me but I want this so badly. Not only because the cash prize but I really win something related to art. I want my parent feel proud of me that i studying fine art. Somehow, i know my mother was disappointed but she cheer me up. I'm SORRY, daddy mummy. I know you both love me. I will gambateh and fight for my future because i really hope that you both will feel proud to have me as your daughter in one day. I love you.

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